Individual results may vary, use at your own risk. Unfortunately, this option is not always trackable, however we offer a guaranteed service to all customers.
Club urban cannot determine the cost of these charges in advance. We try to minimize the cost by listing the wholesale value of the goods rather than the retail value. Select the reason for the return. Please note: It is the customer's responsibility to make sure the package is posted correctly. Club Urban is not responsible for any goods that are lost, damaged or stolen while in transit back to us.
It's a good practice to include tracking information when returning an item. In some cases the product might not be of the same quality that you used to, this happens when the Brand chooses to change the manufacturing to a different company or country.
In this case, you might think that it's not an original but I guarantee that it is. Sami Sert - CEO ClubUrban. NOTE: The sale of unauthorized, replica, and counterfeit items is illegal. It's also against marketplace policy. Sellers who aren't sure of the legality or authenticity of their items can't sell those items.
This policy helps protect buyers from purchasing illegal merchandise and helps intellectual property rights owners protect their rights. & Sun Closed We will be closed on July 4th, Dec. MAILING ADDRESS & PRODUCT RETURN ADDRESS Club Urban 77770 Country Club Dr Suite C Palm Desert, CA 92211 USA You will receive a response within 24 hours.